Full View Studios's Fan Box

Sunday, August 3, 2008

What a great wedding this was! Last weekend (July 26, 2008) in Trumbull Connecticut. The Bride's name is Jayita, which is pronounced "Joy-eeta" which made it that much easier to remember the correct pronunciation as she was truly 'joyful' on her wedding day. She married Gregor, a 'Kiwi' from New Zealand where they will be returning after the wedding so he can continue his studies. The wedding took place at the Tashua Knolls Golf Course clubhouse which was a very elegant setting featuring an outdoor gazebo (not a traditional gazebo, very modern looking) where they said their wedding vows. The venue allowed for some fantastic photography and the food was excellent. I loved this picture of Jayita getting ready, with her mother putting on the traditional Bengali Indian adornments.

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