Full View Studios's Fan Box

Friday, August 15, 2008

Chrissy Spath & Ryan Wilsberg Married August 8th, 2008

Chrissy started the day with a smile that lasted throughout the day!

I love this plaque that was hung in her parents home, it has special relevance today.

Poor Suzy knew that she wasn't going to the party!

Chrissy had a blast on the trampoline, I love this shot!

A proud moment for Dad, Gary.

And a fun and joyous moment for Chrissy's grandparents.

The light streaming into the church after the ceremony was spectacular and they both glowed!

I hope that was a soft drink...cheers!

Martha Clara Vinyard made for a fantastic backdrop, look at that sky!

Ryan and his crew were a lot of fun to photograph.

Chrissy and her father dancing to Somewhere Over the Rainbow!

They have found their 'pot of gold'...in each other.

You can register to see all of their pictures by clicking this link:


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Thanks again for "Clicking In"!

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